Monday, August 24, 2009

The final changes

GSoC is finished and I have been told that I have passed :)

Changes done before the deadline include:

1. The scripts have been moved to website/ and changed so that you don't have to configure them with the location of the files.

2. I added a line in the Makefile so that you can run make translations to write the translated documents before building and pushing the website.

3. I wrote a HOWTO that gives a quick introduction to pot, po, wml and Pootle, as well as explain how to convert existing translations, update current translations and write the translated documents.

4. I updated the README with a list to check if something goes wrong.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Logging in wml2po

To keep track of the files that, for one reason or another, could not be processed by wml2po, the script writes the filenames to a logfile. I am not sure whether or not logging will be of any use in po2wml. I mean, if a file have been converted to pot, there shouldn't be a problem with converting it back to wml.

Time to work on the documentation.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Changelog: wml2po

A few things have happened since I last updated my blog. The biggest change is that wml2po no longer converts to .po, but to .pot, and it doesn't convert for all available languages, just English.

A way to handle translation priority was added to the code last week. The script checks the translation priority of the .wml to determine the filename of the .pot. If the .wml doesn't have a translation priority set, the script assumes that the file doesn't need to be translated.